Sessions and Services

We are by nature social beings. Relationships help us see our own selves, and in unconditional love we heal and grow. As an eclectic practitioner, I offer a variety of modalities and approaches to suit your unique needs at each unique moment:

Bio Energy Healing

Bio energy healing, is a healing modality rooted in quantum physics and the mind-body connection. One main tenant is that everything is energy, including our physical bodies. When our energy is flowing freely, the natural state of the body is health.

When we develop chronic health conditions (mental, physical, emotional, spiritual), get injured, or experience trauma - it’s a reflection of blocked energy in our bio field (aura); a misalignment you could call it. Bio energy healing works to identify and release these areas of blocked energy using specialized hand movements around the body. When the natural flow of energy resumes, then you can heal from your ailments returning to heath, vitality and wellbeing.

Ailments Commonly Treated By Bio Energy Healing:

  • Anxiety, depression

  • Insomnia/nightmares

  • Lower back pain, joint pain, various body pains/unresolved injuries

  • Migraines, headaches

  • Gastrointestinal issues: IBS, constipation, bloating

  • Asthma, allergies, eczema

  • Menstrual issues, fertility

Bio Energy can also help with:

  • Grief, change of life transition

  • Feeling “stuck”, unmotivated

  • Low energy, chronic fatigue

  • and more….

Are you ready to let go of old stories, old beliefs, memories and unconscious patters that keep you feeling “stuck” in life, relationship, and health? Empower yourself to take back ownership of your wellbeing.

Breath Work & Present Moment Practice

As a powerful self-healing and shamanic practice, conscious connected breath work can facilitate a new level of realization, healing, and improvements to the respiratory system and overall physical health.

Did you know that doctors and even respiratory therapists don’t really get much training in the importance of proper breathing patterns? When we breathe in a way that is open, receptive and free - the body, mind and spirit is also free!

Did you know the most powerful present moment practice that you can do is to breathe consciously? The reason is that, you can only breathe from the now! You can only breathe in this present moment. You can’t save breath for later. It’s this flow that allows us to experience the true joy that we are. To meet life from the present moment is where our true power is. It’s where all our resources are accessible.

Reach out to explore breath work journeys, present moment practice work and more.

Integration Sessions

When big energies are moving, it can be especially important and helpful to have a safe space to emote and express the experience we are having. In doing this, we allow it to be seen with the eyes of understanding and compassion. When we do this, we are freeing up the energy to be moved because it has been acknowledged.

The first step in letting go of something, is to first realize that we’ve been holding on. In addition, big realizations of our selves also require integration. Exploring our new understanding of something in our lives, and how that now applies to our daily life sometimes is helped with a safe sounding board, physical and emotional support.

Parasympathetic Activation (Relaxation) Session

More and more people are starting to understand the power of our nervous systems. Our nervous system has two branches: sympathetic and parasympathetic, which you could think of much like a gas pedal and break system. The sympathetic branch is our activation branch which is responsible for our ability to be alert, attentive, and responsive. It is also connected to our fight-flight-freeze response. Living in a fast paced capitalistic culture (aka, chronically threatening), leaves us constantly in a sympathetic state, oftentimes even when we are trying to sleep or rest. This branch being on constantly, is a major driver of adrenal fatigue, chronic inflammation, and poor healing.

The revolution of our health is in our parasympathetic. This is the state in which we heal. Getting our whole selves into a state of deep relaxation, allows us to truly receive the gifts of life, the present moment, and of healing.

Using gentle massage, sound bowls, tuning forks, music, and aromatics, find yourself finally letting go in a serene space held by a safe facilitator.

Psychospiritual Counselling

An important part of self-realization, is having a compassionate mirror. Many of us have felt unsafe looking at our reflections when we haven’’t been loved adequately. When we feel threatened by a potential for judgement from others, or the shame that comes when our wounding is activated, we cannot see ourselves clearly or receive feedback in a constructive or transformative way.

My strengths as a counsellor include employing a non-judgemental lens to foster an environment free from shame, and filled with understanding and compassion. I’m here to provide a safe container and hold space for you to explore your inner workings, to find your sense of personal alignment, to nurture your multi-faceted self, and feel more confident in your own experience.

1:1 Mental Health Skills Coaching

The foundation of good mental health comes from our understanding of the mind-body connection and the importance of skillfully responding to challenges in our mental health. We need to learn to cipher through sensations, emotions and feelings that can at times leave us feeling confused and resistant. Over time we can learn how our thought life, our unconscious belief patterns, and our intentionality are the drivers of our experiences.

There are many great tools and skills we can use in our life to help foster a sense of healthy coping, managing things like anxiety or distressing feelings, and feeling more effective in our lives. I can help you find skills that fit for you personally, and build your unique mental health toolbox.

Consulting, Facilitation & Public Speaking

As an experienced public speaker and quality improvement consultant, I offer my expertise in a variety of settings.

  • Mental Health and Child Welfare Conferences

  • Continuing Education Sessions

  • Community Dialogue Sessions

  • Policy Development

  • Program and curriculum development

  • Group courses, art workshops


$120/hour session

Pre-pay for course of treatment (5 sessions) and receive a discount.

Contact me directly for workshop, consultation, course and curriculum development inquires.

I offer sliding scale rates upon request.