“In the letting go of labels, diagnoses, social and mental programming about illness and health, I began to recognize myself again. I was seeing that the way I had responded to my experiences were fair and understandable, however, they were no longer serving me anymore.”

About Clare

I’m Clare and I am an activist, healer, artist, innovator, orator, nurse, academic, and passionate thought leader.

I’ve always been drawn towards helping others. My special function has been to take difficult and soul wrenching experiences, and transform them into lessons and catalysts for change and betterment.

I’ve done a lot of advocacy work with many different non-profit organizations, specifically in the area of improving the system of mental health care. I’ve spoken at conferences on the importance of relational permanency of foster youth, and have been part of creating CME (continuing medical education) sessions for physicians on the psychosocial aspect of eating disorders.

I hold a Bachelors of Arts in Psychology from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of British Columbia. I have been a member of the SIGMA nursing honour society.

I am experienced in the areas of mental health, gendered violence, trauma, and addictions. I practice with a lens of non-judgement, and employ harm reductionist and compassion-based methods to support those that I work with.

I hold an International Diploma in Bio Energy Healing from Michael D’Alton’s School of Bio Energy Healing and am trained in breathwork.

All my experiences and training have led me to this place of being able to hold compassionate, hopeful and safe spaces for others to experience the depth of healing and wellbeing they were created to have.

I’m looking forward to journeying with you. In humility, and gratitude.