Tune into

Your Wellbeing

Inspired Support

My role as a holistic health and healing practitioner is to help facilitate you coming back into alignment with yourself. That looks like connecting to your values, your heart, your intuition, your passions, your gifts, and your natural flow of energy. It looks like letting go of the things holding you back, in order to make space for what you are calling into your life, whether that be, more joy, confidence, energy, vitality, mobility, or connection.

  • Healing is about coming back into presence. Coming out of stress, fight/flight and overdoing.

    Every ailment and symptom we experience has an energetic basis. So let’s treat it on an energetic level.

    I offer bio energy healing, breathwork, and mental health skills coaching and counselling. Online and in person.

  • Moving forward from long term illness requires us to transform our painful experiences in some way. Energy is neither created, nor destroyed, only transformed. As such, we must be the active conscious transformers of life’s challenges, traumas, and woundings.

    When we can find meaning, wisdom, or joy in all our life experiences and allow them to help us grow, we unfold into our truest potential.

    Yes, healing is the looking at our shadows with courage, connection, and compassion. AND, it is also tending the fire of our passions, nurturing our unique gifts and strengths, and living from a place of abundance. It’s the lessons of who we are and what brings us joy, pleasure, contentment, and peace.

  • Our personal will and consciousness is what makes us uniquely human.

    When we live in unconscious control dramas, either succumbing to people pleasing, allowing our boundaries to be crossed, and doing things we don’t really want to be doing - we are living in a place of resistance.

    Maybe we are resisting our responsibility for our own selves, lives and experiences? Or, we are trying to control others and their behaviour to help us feel a certain way?

    Are we resisting doing the things we really want to do because we don’t believe in ourselves? Are we connected to our gut feelings? Are we realizing that we create our own reality? Are we sticking up for ourselves?

  • The modern medical model’s reductionistic approach to health has led us down a deep path of conditioning and programming about health and sickness.

    The natural state of the body is health! The body is a process - a whole process that is greater than the sum of it’s parts.

    When we let go of our diagnosis and start to look at the reason for the symptom, we become empowered in our own sense of health. We realize that the mind and body are connected and that they way we think impacts our physical health directly!

    When you understand that the body is energy - that everything is energy - you begin to realize that the body is made to heal. All cells in our body are replaced within a year. We are not the same as we were a year ago, and our ongoing ailments are based on memory.

    There is so much more hope and natural ways to health and wellness than the modern medical system will allow you to know.

    Tune into, and turn towards your wellness now, and see your life transform and reach a new level of health and wellbeing.